Filip Risteski


Attorney at law Filip Risteski is specialized in business, commercial and corporate law matters. He provides legal services for numerous local and foreign clients in consultative, negotiation and litigation matters. Since his student days, he is focused on constant upgrading of his theoretical and practical knowledge and is one of the few lawyers in North Macedonia who during his studies has represented his Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” in the well known international arbitration competition “Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot” in Vienna. He puts incredible accent on improving his theoretical knowledge and has successfully upgraded his education through scholarship programs in “Sorbonne University” in Paris, France, “Bucerius Law School” in Hamburg, Germany, has undertaken numerous research studies in the field of business law and has participated at many national and international seminars and conferences. His master and PhD thesis are in the area of international business law. His master thesis is titled “Modalities of payment of the price under the national law and the UN Convention on contracts for the international sales of goods” and his PhD thesis is titled “Non-performance as ground for termination of sales contract in domestic and international law”. The abovementioned activates have immensely contributed to the effective representation and consultation of our clients. His mother tongue is Macedonian and he is fluent in English and Spanish language.